boDig is participating to Pixelist Festival with a workshop and performance extract.
29 April
santralistanbul E4-302
Workshop: Interactive Play with Movement
This is a movement workshop realized with specially written codes using MaxMSP/Jitter software. It is a design for perception suggestive of the redefinition of time and space. Based on the relations of the physical body with its processed images, the workshop is triggering improvisation and creativity by re-positioning the parameters of space, and transfers virtual movement to actual environment.
An interactive dance performance: The Knot Theory (an extract)
Knot: Is it a problem that needs to be solved? Or a connector that binds the torn? Can it be both?The only way to bind what only seems bonded in the surface is to cut even deeper. While “The Knot Theory” analyzes the surface and below the surface sides of incidents and relations, it is affected by the mathematical theory of Koningsberg’s Seven Bridges, a surgery, absurd theater, and the probabilities that interactive technologies create. When communication webs that consist of disconnected pieces are connected in different ways can they cause variant outcomes? “The Knot Theory” is a search with body language that goes deep in a well of possibilities.
This work has been developed at Absent Interfaces Lab in Tanzquartier Wien (Austria), artist residency at L’animal a l’esquena (Spain) and rehearsals at Performing Arts Track at Istanbul Bilgi University (Turkiye). It has been performed at garajistanbul during boDig 08 Festival and will be performed in May the 3rd 2009 at “Rencontres Chorégraphiques de Carthage” Tunis.
Concept and Choreography: Beliz Demircioglu Cihandide (with Gunes Caglar)
Dramaturgy: Aylin Kalem
Sound & Interaction Design: Selcuk Artut
Interaction Design Control: Ahmet Guzererler
Surgery: Ercan Cihandide, M.D. and his team
Production: boDig
For more info:www.pixelist.cc